1 to 10 of 13 Results
Mar 7, 2025
Skov Nielsen, Annelie; Steenberg Larsen, Klaus; Lærke, Poul Erik; Rodriguez, Andres F.; Pullens, Johannes W.M.; Petersen, Rasmus Jes; Christiansen, Jesper Riis, 2025, "Supporting Data for: A full year of continuous net soil and ditch CO2, CH4, N2O fluxes, soil hydrology and meteorology for a drained fen in Denmark", https://doi.org/10.60612/DATADK/BZQ8JE, DeiC Dataverse, V1
We here present a detailed dataset of automated greenhouse gas (GHG) net soil and ditch fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) from a drained fen in Denmark covering a full year. The dataset resolves small scale spatial and hourly-daily-seasonal dy... |
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SHA256: 862919c3bfe9265eab31645f169842b8173c1bd128c86ef6a765ecd9034aa1b6
File listing all variables contained in the dataset files with SI Unit and explanation |
Adobe PDF - 1.9 MB -
SHA256: f7c52538309f4beafd4723dbbc131e5610e7b1d0c430164effeca4518fcbeb0b
Text describing in detail the methodology of measurements in data files |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 4.8 MB -
SHA256: 10db765282964dc3c9140e2f823c885d97011a8aeac8efb965bc6292e9be5150
Data for air temperature and wind speed at the Vejrumbro location |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 3.5 MB -
SHA256: 85172957b4397ab65e1ff9e6eaaa573d8c9f0cf1fac1d42b37f778f15475e1c1
Data for net carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide soil-atmosphere exchange for the Vejrumbro location |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 6.0 MB -
SHA256: fd02614b584fc45446bec0c7927117a69621910ac44ebda555fbb3703a1f2c20
Data for groundwater table depth and elevation above sea level for the Vejrumbro location |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 63.3 KB -
SHA256: f7220517d05701d468553e711330661ef45bd2f430f6af3a0c593fe779026ef1
Transect coordinates for the Vejrumbro location |
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 9.0 MB -
SHA256: f591d4aebf2ec4270982afab15f3dbb3bd36c02a11d55d5358e9c716cf65690d
Data for soil temperature and volumetric water content at 5 cm depth for the Vejrumbro location |
Feb 28, 2025
den Boer, Susanne P. A.; Baer, Boris; Boomsma, Jacobus, 2025, "Supporting Data for: Seminal fluid enhances sperm viability in the leafcutter ant Atta colombica", https://doi.org/10.60612/DATADK/UNIANS, DeiC Dataverse, V1
The seminal fluid that accompanies sperm in ejaculates has been shown or suggested to affect sperm competition and paternity success of insects by preventing female remating, inducing oviposition, and forming mating plugs. In Atta leafcutter ants, queens have multiple mates but n... |
Feb 28, 2025 -
Supporting Data for: Seminal fluid enhances sperm viability in the leafcutter ant Atta colombica
MS Excel Spreadsheet - 15.3 KB -
SHA256: cdabf33da767636f11c35de616435463544c0785f7df0c7c3edbdb4068373bf1
Data in this file show sperm viability in samples collected from ejaculates of males vs. samples directly dissected from the sperm holding organ of males, the accessory testes (AT). |